[Chaudhary and Company]


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services:accounting [09/06/2022 18:21] – created anchaudharyservices:accounting [Unknown date] (current) – external edit (Unknown date)
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 +Bookkeeping is the task of maintaining required documents and records for the purpose of accounting & Auditing. Accounting is different from Bookkeeping. For Accounting knowledge of applicable laws, rules & regulations, as well as the knowledge of business is a must. Though the words [[Bookkeeping and accounting]] are used together there is a vast difference between them.\\ 
 +We provide services in the field of accounting, the broad areas include:
 +a) Conversion form Single entry to Double entry [[system of accounting]],
 +b) Consultation, Guidance in maintaining detailed accounts which will satisfy the needs of all the users,
 +c) Compliance with standards, Compliance of all applicable rules while laying down system of accounting,
 +d) Balancing of books, balancing of Books & reconciliations with respect to financial institutions & others.
 +e) [[Cash flow management]], timely advising in improving favorable cash flow & suggesting remedial action.