[Chaudhary and Company]


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services:audits [09/06/2022 18:21] – created anchaudharyservices:audits [Unknown date] (current) – external edit (Unknown date)
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 +Audit is a function of examining records by an independent qualified person. We being Chartered Accountants provide [[auditing]] services in following areas.
 +a) Concurrent Audits, Conducted for timely checking of errors & rectifying them before statutory audit.
 +b) Tax Audits, as required by Income Tax Act if business receipts are more than certain limit.
 +c) Company Audits, As required by Companies act 1956 both of Public limited companies as well as private limited companies
 +d) Trust Audits, as required by Bombay Public Charitable trust Act,
 +e) Cooperative Audits, As required by cooperative societies act which includes audits of Cooperative Banks, PACS, other societies etc.
 +f) VAT & CST & GST Audits, As required by Maharashtra Value Added Tax Act/ GST Act.
 +g) Voluntary Audits, for knowing the exact state of the accounts & for conforming the accounts are error free.
 +h) System Audits, As required by RBI & other controlling institutions & also for satisfying that the computer system deployed is error free & working correctly,
 +i) EDP Audits, as required by RBI & other controlling institutions & also for satisfying that the data processing is done error free.
 +j) Application Audits, to satisfy that the computer system deployed is delivering the results for which it was designed & implemented.
 +k) Management Audits, Conducted to assess the strengths & weaknesses of staff & suggesting the remedial action.
 +l) Income Leakage Audits, Income leakage audits are useful in increasing revenues by plugging the gaps where leakages occur, these audits are regularly conducted by Nationalized Banks, & Co-operative Banks,
 +m) Inspection: This is surprise checking of functioning of organization, which is done by many banks & other financial institutions on regular basis.
 +n) Stock & Book Debt verification & valuation service: Normally banks require stock & book debts to be independently verified & valued in respect of big borrower accounts.